Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Streambank Stabilization
SCIIP Projects
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Rural Infrastructure Authority (RIA) Funded Projects

The common primary goal of the All Trails Lead to Reedy River Water Quality project is to improve water quality within the Reedy River watershed which starts north of the City of Greenville in Travelers Rest and flows south to Lake Greenwood. A mixture of several thousand feet of stream restoration, trails, regenerative stormwater conveyances, bioretention cells, enhanced bioswales, and stormwater water wetlands will be used to complete this project. Upon completion the goal is that these projects improve water quality, prevent erosion, mitigate flooding impacts, protect utilities, improve public access and mobility, and increase awareness through educational kiosks and increased visibility of waterways. This effort encompasses all five of the section priorities identified by the RIA:

  1. Regional Solutions – Greenville County is one of 30 regional stakeholders in the Reedy River Water Quality Group (RRWQG) and the 5R process, which has been developed specifically to improve water quality in the Reedy.
  2. Water Quality – The primary goal of the proposed projects is to remove pollutants and pollutant sources from the watershed.
  3. Resilience and Storm Protection – On all proposed projects, flood storage will increase, peak flows will be reduced, and flooding will be lessened in certain areas as the County leverages previous flood buy-out properties.
  4. Modernization of Aging Infrastructure – The County and other water resources practitioners now recognize the importance of stable, natural channel banks for water quality and ecology within the stream corridor.
  5. Capacity Development and Economic Opportunities – The primary projects will provide increased community impact through the expansion of the Swamp Rabbit Trail. The expansion will help to provide better, safe pedestrian access to other areas, expand recreational opportunities.
The main projects selected for funding and construction are:
