Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Streambank Stabilization
CIP Projects
CIP Projects

Capital Improvement Projects (CIP)

Greenville County’s Capital Improvement Program is designed to identify major, infrequent and nonrecurring projects, which should be financed over a period of years. Greenville County has selected a programming period of 5 years. The development of a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) involves a comprehensive evaluation of project planning, justification, coordination of needs, priorities and relationship to budgeting policies. Capital improvement programming is a continuous process involving yearly adjustments. The CIP includes capital projects recommended for fiscal years 2022 through 2026. The CIP multi-year plan includes projects for which funding is currently available and for which future funding is reasonably assured.

Greenville County’s 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program has set aside 9.2 million dollars towards water quality improvement projects. We are a Phase I medium sized MS4 community and our responsibility is solely water quality for our creaks, stream and rivers as defined by EPA Clean Water Act. We have prioritized the Reedy River Watershed as a part of our plan to address total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorous (TP) Watershed Improvement Plan.

As a co-chair in the Reedy River Water Quality Group’s BMP committee, we have researched technical data from all across the United States and found that preserving buffers, reforestation of lost buffers, and stream stabilization are the most cost-effective measures to improve water quality as it related to TP & TN from non-point sources. Other types of BMP’s are being explored on their cost and nutrient remove efficiencies. We’ve already constructed a few pilot projects and are now in the process of constructing larger stream stabilization and riparian buffer reclamation projects all across the county.

Completed Projects
