Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Streambank Stabilization
Cripple Creek
Cripple Creek Project Overview

Cripple Creek, a tributary to the Reedy River has a watershed area that is slightly more than 1 square mile. The watershed is primarily older development with some newer commercial and industrial sites. It is beginning to become revitalized but remains largely low income with older mill-style houses and mobile homes. The tributary is confined by a railway line along one side with utilities in places along its other side. As with most streams confined by utilities, the stream does not have the ability to meander or dissipate energy. Either the increase in storm water runoff from historical development or from direct trenching along the railway corridor has caused the channel to erode in many locations. These stream banks pose a risk to water quality in the Reedy River, as they can serve as a direct source for nutrients and sediment.

This 1,900 linear foot stream enhancement on Cripple Creek is located near Hampton Station, immediately adjacent to the Orange Line of the Swamp Rabbit Trail. Should space and conditions permit, this stream improvement will include the creation of a small flood bench that will help to reduce velocities in the stream in many places, and in more confined spaces the stream banks will be laid back at a less severe slope. Either option will still reduce stream velocities and significantly reduce the potential for stream bank failures to enhance habitat and stream ecology.

Cripple Creek Vicinity Map
Cripple Creek Vicinity Map
