Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Billing and Funding
Stormwater Utility

In recognition of the importance of the role of storm water in the overall management of our limited water resources, and to comply with unfunded Federal and State mandates, the County has created a stormwater utility. This utility funds the staff and services necessary for coordinating the NPDES program and address' neighborhood flooding problems.

Billing Policies and Procedures

Click here for information on Stormwater Billing Policies and Procedures.

Storm Water Utility Fee Questions
  1. What is a storm water utility fee?

    A storm water utility fee is similar to a water or sewer fee. In essence, customers pay a fee to convey storm water from their properties. Greenville County’s storm water user fee is the result of unfunded (United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)) mandates on pollution from storm water discharges. This fee is used to finance annual compliance with the NPDES permitting standards required by the Clean Water Act.

  2. Is the storm water utility fee considered a tax?

    No, the storm water utility fee is not a tax. It is a fee generated to maintain the storm water utility system and fund the NPDES permit compliance. It is user based and the fee is based on contribution to the storm water system.

  3. Is the storm water utility fee legal?

    Yes, storm water utility fees are legal. Although storm water utility fees have been challenged in the past, state and federal courts have ruled that storm water utility fees are necessary to maintain the public storm water system and represent an equitable way for the community to share the cost of a public service. They are becoming more and more common throughout the United States. Greenville County Council discussed and approved the storm water utility fee at public meetings.

  4. How was my storm water utility fee generated?

    Residential parcels were divided into two categories by square footage of heated first floor living area. Those parcels with first floor square footage less than 1,000 square feet and parcels exceeding 1,000 square feet.

    All non-residential parcels pay an annual storm water utility bill based on the total square footage of impervious surface within the parcel.

  5. Who else is paying a storm water utility fee?

    Every parcel owner in the County is responsible for paying a storm water utility fee including County, State and Federal government parcels and public institutions, and commercial and industrial parcel owners.

    Other municipalities in South Carolina, including the cities of Greenville, Rock Hill, Columbia, Charleston and Aiken, have implemented a storm water utility fee.

  6. Are there any properties in the County that do not pay a storm water fee?

    Yes. State roads are exempt since they are governed by a separate NPDES permit issued by SCDHEC to the SCDOT. County and City roads are considered to be part of the stormwater management system along with County owned pipes, ditches and swales that convey stormwater to waters of the State. The County is required to monitor, identify problems and improve outfalls that are part of the stormwater management system if necessary.

    Also, qualifying nonprofit organizations are exempt from the storm water fee.

  7. Does the Post Office or the Federal Courthouse pay a storm water fee?


  8. Does the County pay a storm water fee for County-owned property?


  9. I live at the top of a hill. Why do I have to pay a storm water fee? Alternatively, I live at the bottom of a hill and everyone else's storm water runoff impacts my property—why do I have to pay the storm water fee?

    Water quality affects all residents in Greenville County and therefore, all property owners must pay their fair share of the costs to keep the rivers, lakes, creeks and streams clean.

Storm Water Utility Billing Questions
  1. What is considered to be an impervious surface?

    An impervious surface is any surface that prevents water from penetrating the ground. Examples include buildings, driveways, parking lots, swimming pools, patios, paved areas, tanks, pads, and other features that do not allow rainfall to soak into the ground.

  2. Who do I talk to if I want to dispute my bill or impervious area?

    The storm water fee is issued along with the tax notice each year in October. If you believe the fee is in error you may appeal the fee amount by filling out the Impervious Area Modification Request form within thirty (30) days of delivery of the tax bill. General questions regarding the fee can be answered by calling the Land Development Division.

  3. Is there anything I can do to reduce my storm water bill?

    Yes, a credit system is being developed that will allow a credit for qualified, properly designed, installed and maintained water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs).

    For sites that tanks, cars, trailers or other mobile items laying in grassed areas - moving them to paved areas or consolidating them to a compact area to reduce the area that doesn't allow the rainfall to soak into the ground can reduce the area considered impervious.
