Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Answer Book
The Greenville County Library System

The Greenville County Library System offers unique opportunities to explore your world with 11 locations that feature meeting facilities, print materials, CDs, DVDs, free wireless access, public computers, online resources and quality programs for all ages.

The Hughes Main Library in downtown Greenville also houses the Play and Literacy Center for children ages five and under, a comprehensive collection of historical and genealogical materials, a sub-dividable meeting space that seats up to 300 people and a computer training lab that includes 24 computer workstations.

The library system's Bookmobile makes regular stops to rural areas in Greenville County and Homebound Services are available to library users who cannot access library locations.

Card holders can borrow eBooks, and download free music and magazines when they visit the library online.


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