Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Water Quality
Storm Water

As Greenville County grows, the demand on our limited water resources grow. Good water resource management starts with good storm water management. Managing storm water runoff as it comes off roofs, driveways, yards and parking lots in a manner that protects the water quality of our streams and lakes is of vital importance to the sustainability of our community.

Why Worry About Storm Water?

The EPA now considers storm water pollution to be one of the most significant sources of contamination in our nation's waters. Storm water from developed areas erodes stream banks and smothers streambeds with sediment. Accumulated chemicals such as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and bacteria from dog feces flush off the land and into streams. Poor storm water management can destroy stream life, pollute drinking water, increase flooding and damage property.

Green infrastructure and LID practices are now being encouraged by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in storm water management. By improving the environment and preserving open space, both green infrastructure and low impact developments support sustainable communities.

  • What is GI?

  • How new is GI?

  • Does GI really work?

  • What is LID?

  • How are these practices implemented?

  • SFR LID Fact Sheets
Greenville County Residents – Ways You Can Help

Greenville County Soil and Water has their own website that is full of education materials, games and great information on our programs. Visit http://greenvillesoilandwater.com for more!

Watershed Prioritization

Greenville County has developed a prioritization method for its watersheds (also known as management units) based on the following water quality issues:

  • Impaired water bodies for which TMDLs have been established
  • Waters identified on various EPA water quality lists (303(d), 304, 305(b), 314(a), 319(a), etc.)
  • Water bodies showing known signs of impairment, with no TMDLs
  • Waters draining urbanized areas
  • Drinking water supply sources
  • Highly Sensitive Waters
  • Management units containing RCRA sites
  • Management units containing NPDES permitted facilities and municipalities.

This method will be used to direct the County’s efforts in applying Best Management Practices (BMPs) to address water quality problems.

Prioritization Summary
Prioritization Map

Pollution Prevention - A Guide For The Construction Industry

Construction Guide Greenville County believes that reducing pollution is critical to maintaining the community's quality of life. One of the goals of our Stormwater Program is to ensure that precious resources such as clean water are never compromised. We have partnered with the construction industry to help promote Best Management Practices (BMPs), or methods used on construction sites to keep pollution out of our storm drains and to protect receiving waters. By providing you with the tools to create an efficient and environmentally safe construction site, we hope to make your job easier while keeping our streams clean. Included in this brochure is valuable information on important BMPs, right-of-way (ROW) permitting, and the County of Greenville’s construction inspection and enforcement program. We hope you find it useful. Together, we have the ability to preserve and improve the quality of life in Greenville.

Brochure (PDF - 12.6MB)

  1. What is NPDES?

  2. What is the ultimate goal of NPDES permitting?

  3. Why is Greenville County concerned?

  4. What is an NPDES permit?

  5. What is a point source?

  6. What is a pollutant?

  7. Is it legal to have wastewater coming out of a pipe into my local receiving water (e.g. lake, stream, river, wetland)?

  8. What are Sanitary Sewer Overflows?

  9. What is an Illicit Discharge?

  10. Who is considered responsible for an Illicit Discharge?

  1. Before and During Construction

  2. Detention Pond Maintenance

  3. Illicit Discharges

  4. Monitoring our Creeks and Rivers

  5. Illegal Dumping Enforcement

HOA Information - Detention Ponds

Detention ponds are used to safeguard the quality of urban water runoff from roads, parking lots, residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, and industrial sites. Detention ponds help to reduce peak stormwater runoff rates by providing temporary storage during storm events.

For detention pond education and maintenance tips, click here.

Single Family Residential Erosion/Sediment Control Standards

Erosion/Sediment Control This booklet contains standard plans and procedures sufficient for typical residential building construction; it is not intended to address all circumstances. All projects that will clear, grade or otherwise disturb the site must provide erosion and sediment control measures to prevent the transport of sediment from the site to drainage facilities, streams, lakes, wetlands, adjacent properties, and streets. The primary objection is perimeter control with best management practices (BMP's) being utilized to prevent erosion and minimize sediment from leaving the site. Additionally, since streets are conduits for storm water, it is important to keep mud and sediment off the streets. The building permit holder is responsible for ensuring that adequate BMP's are in place and functioning until the construction project is brought to a close.

Booklet (PDF - 1.85MB)
