Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Answer Book

Does the County require a business license?


Greenville County does not require a business license. However, contact Codes Enforcement, 864.467.7060, for a permit if new construction; for a change of tenant; if the business will be going in an existing building; and to see if the property is zoned correctly for its intended use. Contact individual municipalities for information on whether a business license is required within city limits.

NOTE: While the County does not require a business license, we do require a business to file a business registration application. There is no fee associated with the registration, but proper registration is required by law. For more information go to Business Registration Program.

Greenville County Business Quick Facts


What are the requirements of obtaining a marriage license in South Carolina?


Written application must be filed and signed by both parties at the Probate Court, Marriage License Division at least 24 hours before its issuance. Marriage License Fees can be found on our Marriage License Requirements brochure:

You may pay by cash or money order.

All applicants are required to present age identification through either a valid driver’s license, or identification card or their passport and Social Security card or may use another legal document containing their Social Security number, such as income tax record (W-2 form). Applicants under the age of 18 must present a certified copy of their birth certificate and parental consent. The parent giving consent must appear to the Probate Court to sign an affidavit giving consent for the minor to marry. Call 864.467.7171 for more information or visit our Marriage License page.


How can I obtain a copy of a marriage license?


You may obtain a certified copy of a marriage license from the Probate Court, Marriage License division. Visit our Marriage License page for the application.


Where can I obtain a taxi cab license?


Greenville County does not require a taxi license.


Where do you apply for licenses to operate vehicles including: automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles?


Vehicle licenses are available from the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.


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