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Answer Book

What is zoning?


Zoning is a comprehensive set of regulations designed to lessen traffic congestion; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements; and to promote orderly growth and development. For more information, call the Code Enforcement Division at 864.467.7425.


How is zoning different from deed restrictions or restrictive covenants?


Deed restrictions are imposed by the developer of the land and apply to all subsequent purchasers. Deed restrictions are enforced by civil suit in the courts and can only be amended by a majority of the property owners. Zoning restrictions are enforced by criminal prosecution (as a last resort) and can be amended by a majority vote by County Council.


How does zoning affect my property taxes?


Zoning governs how property may be used. It does not affect taxes, since taxes are based on how a property is used rather than zoned. For example, a vacant property that is zoned commercial will be valued as a vacant lot.


What are some of the Zoning Requirements for the single family residential districts?


Detached garages, sheds, swimming pools, and game courts must be located in the rear yard. Unlicensed vehicles not parked in a 3-sided garage are prohibited; commercial vehicles in excess of 2 tons capacity are prohibited; keeping livestock is prohibited, except in the R-S District; businesses, other than the home occupations specifically listed, are prohibited; and converting a basement or garage into a separate apartment is prohibited.


What are some of the zoning requirements for the Office, Commercial, Service and Industrial Districts?


Only specific uses are permitted in each district, all others are prohibited; on site parking must be provided; any signs must comply with the requirements of the Sign Ordinance; fencing and screening must be provided between these and adjacent residential uses.


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