Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Subdivision Administration
Release of Financial Security

When the required infrastructure has been installed and accepted by the Engineer or municipal authority, the developer shall provide Subdivision Administration final documentation for the completed improvements in order to authorize the release of any remaining financial security and/or close-out the subdivision case.

Close-out Submittal Checklist:

Once these documents are received, staff will notify the contact person for the developer listed on the financial security application that all requirements for the closing out the subdivision have been met.

If escrow funds are available for release, the developer must provide Subdivision Administration with the name of the person authorized to pick-up the escrow check. Staff will notify the developer via email once the check is ready for pick-up. Prior to releasing the check, the developer’s authorized representative must present their driver’s license and sign a form indicating they have received the check.

For subdivisions secured by letters of credits, staff will notify the bank that all requirements for closing out the subdivision have been met. At the bank’s discretion, the letter of credit will be returned to the bank that issued the letter of credit via certified mail or picked-up by an authorized representative.

Other Forms:
Policy Updates:

The information provided on this website is only intended to be a resource. It is not intended to take the place of the Greenville County Land Development Regulations.
Click Here to view the Land Development Regulations.
