Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Subdivision Administration
Summary Plat Process
Summary Plat

A minor subdivision (also known as a Summary plat) is any division of land into 6 or fewer lots without the creation of public or private roads. Applicants are encouraged to submit a Summary Plat using the Online Permit Development Center - the County’s web portal for electronic submittals. The Online Permit Development Center also known as Cityworks is designed to streamline plan review, allow for online fee collection, and permit staff and applicants to track progress.

The summary plat application and the associated fee are required for Parcels that meet the following criteria and are not eligible for a simple plat. Even if only one lot is being created.

  • Any division of land into 6 or fewer lots without the creation of public or private roads.
  • A lot (or its parent parcel if the lot did not exist by 2003) has been subdivided since 2003.
  • The new proposed lots have existing non-residential uses.
  • The newly proposed lots are within any non-residential zone.
  • The lots were once separated and have been combined for any reason and are being created again. Those parcels are also subject to the summary plat process.
  • A summary plat may be required if the parcel is within a subdivision approved by the Planning Commission and is part of a “larger common plan”. If applicable, the plan must first be approved by the Planning Commission as a revised preliminary plan. Upon approval by the Planning Commission, the applicant may proceed with the summary plat process. This process applies even if only one lot is being created.
Application Process:
  1. Within two (2) days of submittal (three (3) days if submitted after noon), staff will review uploaded applications for completeness (“Initial Review”)
  2. Applicant will be notified via email of any deficiencies found during the Initial Review.
  3. All resubmittals should be submitted to our Online Permit Development Center - Cityworks.
  4. Once any deficiencies have been addressed and staff has deemed the application complete, the formal ten (10) day review process (“Review”) will begin and the Summary Plat will be distributed electronically to the internal members of the Subdivision Advisory Committee (SAC) for review and approval.
  5. Upon completion of the Review process, all comments received will be forwarded in an e-mail to the applicant outlining the required changes to the submitted plat. Plat revisions received before comments have been sent will not be reviewed or can result in the review cycle starting again.
  6. Upon receipt of the revised Summary Plat, an additional ten (10) day Review process will re-open to only those departments or agencies of SAC that previously denied the submittal.
  7. Upon notification that the Summary Plat has been approved, the applicant will bring a paper Summary Plat to the Subdivision Administration Office (Level 3, S-3300) for approval and signature after which it may be recorded with the Greenville County Register of Deeds Office.
  8. Once recorded, the applicant will return the recorded Summary Plat to the Subdivision Administration for routing to the remaining Greenville County departments for addresses and tax map numbers. This process can take up to 10 business days to fully complete.
  9. The applicant will be notified via email once routing is complete. The Summary plat will be mailed via USPS to the owner's address provided once new addresses and tax map numbers have been issued.
Policy Updates:

The information provided on this website is only intended to be a resource. It is not intended to take the place of the Greenville County Land Development Regulations.
Click Here to view the Land Development Regulations.
