Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Subdivision Administration
Family Subdivisions

The Family Subdivision Ordinance exempts citizens interested in creating lots for immediate family members from the formal review process prior to plat approval until the time of development of each lot. Subdivisions, under the No Land Disturbance Policy, shifts the responsibility of the permitting/storm water management planning preparation onto the individual property owner of lots created under the Family Subdivision Ordinance. For the purpose of this ordinance, immediate family is identified as any person who is a natural or legally defined offspring, stepchild, spouse, sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandchild, or parent of the landowner. The property owner may also be a family trust or family partnership so long as the trustees, beneficiaries and/or partners are composed only by members of the immediate family of the property grantor.

Interested parties must submit a complete application along with an affidavit identifying the relationship between immediate family members and a plat signed and sealed by a professional land surveyor. Family Subdivision plats must comply with the Summary Plat plan requirements at LDR 3.5.4 and include the Family Subdivision Exemption notes per LDR 3.6.3.

Submittal Requirements:
  • Family Subdivision Application
  • Affidavit signed by the grantor and grantee under oath and penalty of perjury that identifies the family subdivision as being for the purpose of conveyance to a qualifying family member and identifying the receiving family member and the relations to the granter. Recording Fees apply.
  • Plat, signed and sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor. Recording fees apply.
Application Process:

Two Lot Subdivision
In the case of subdivisions with no more than two lots and the parent parcel has not been subdivided since 2003, the plat will be reviewed as a simple plats without the need to use the Family Subdivision Exception (See Simple Plats for further guidance).

More Than Two Lot Subdivision
In the case of subdivisions with more than two new lots or simple split where the land has been subdivided since 2003, the plat will be submitted on a summary plat and the associated application fee will be waived. The Subdivision Administration and Zoning Office will review the plat to ensure that each lot conforms to the Zoning Ordinance and/or Land Development Regulations in unzoned areas and that the development of the lots will protect public health, safety and orderly development of the surrounding area.

If approved, the plat will be recorded and be routed internally to E911 for addressing and real properties for tax map numbers. Once the lots are created, the applicant will be notified that tax map numbers and addresses for the family subdivision have been issued.

All lots will have building and land disturbance permit holds placed on them until the time development
when appropriate agency approvals and land disturbance permits will be required.

The information provided on this website is only intended to be a resource. It is not intended to take the place of the Greenville County Land Development Regulations.
Click Here to view the Land Development Regulations.
