Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Subdivision Administration
Exempt Plats

Exempt plats are plats of record that do not conform to the strict definition of a subdivision as described in LDR but must be submitted to Subdivision Administration for review prior to recording. The following plats are considered Exempt:

  • Survey plat (whether newly performed or historical) showing existing lots of record and does not create roads or shared drives.
  • Mortgage plat (used for purchasing property)
  • Lot line adjustments where the total number of lots is not increased and the resultant lots meet the requirements of the underlying zoning and/or LDR.
  • Combination or recombination of entire lots of record where no new street or change in existing streets is involved.
  • Division of land into parcels of 5 acres or more where no new street is involved.

Unless changes are required, exempt plats are reviewed and approved at the counter (fees apply). Exempt plats submitted via email or by mail will not be accepted for review. Exempt plats involving the combination of lots and/or lot line adjustments must illustrate and clearly label lot lines that will be abandoned as a dashed/dotted line and identified as “old lot line.” Likewise, new or proposed lot lines shall be illustrated with solid lines and labeled as new or proposed lot line. Once approved, plats will need to be recorded at the County Register of Deeds (ROD) Office.

Five-acre subdivisions must be recorded at ROD and then taken to E-911 followed by the Real Properties Office for new physical address assignments and tax map numbers for new lots created.

Exempt Plat Guidelines: click here for details

Policy Updates:

The information provided on this website is only intended to be a resource. It is not intended to take the place of the Greenville County Land Development Regulations.
Click Here to view the Land Development Regulations.
