Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Litter Prevention
Litter Tracker App
Litter Ends Here App
Litter Ends Here App

The Litter Ends Here app is available for free on the Apple App Store and on Google Play.

Get it on Google Play

The County of Greenville offers the Litter Ends Here app to provide an easy way for citizens to report litter while they are on the go. This app is also a great resource for anyone who would like to volunteer their time to clean up litter.

For Reporting Litter

Use the Litter Ends Here app to report litter, illegal dumpsites and identify areas in Greenville County, SC that need attention. You can add a picture and leave comments on about the site to help us locate the problem. County of Greenville staff will ensure that your report is forwarded to the correct person. We will also keep you updated on what is happening with your report and let you know when the request has been completed.

For Volunteering

Be the change you want to see in the world. The Litter Ends Here app can help! It’s easy to sign up to volunteer within the app. Just click on the large purple “Volunteer” button on the home page. Once you sign up, contact the Litter Prevention Coordinator to get your free supplies.

Thank you for joining the cause to end litter in Greenville County!
