Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Litter Prevention
Adopt A Road
Adopt a Road
Picking Up Trash Image
A New Meaning to Roadside Assistance

Join Greenville County’s mission to end litter by adopting a two mile section of road.

Here’s how it works:

  • Gather your group (as few or as many people as you want)
  • You'll choose a section of a Greenville County road to maintain for 2 years
  • Litter pick-ups should be done at least 4 times per year
  • When you adopt a road, the name of your volunteer group will be displayed on an Adopt a Road sign to show the public how much your group cares.
  • We’ll provide your group with safety vests, bags, gloves and litter grabbers
  • Your group leader must attend at least one safety meeting every 2 years

There are nearly 6,000 roads in Greenville County. We need YOU to adopt one and make a difference.

Adopt a Road Agreement

Volunteer Guidelines

* If you are interested in adopting a county road email Summer Gagnon at sgagnon@greenvillecounty.org

* If you would like to adopt a state road email Kim Bobo at boboke@scdot.org

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