Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Land Development
Streambank Stabilization
Cedar Falls Park
Project Overview

Cedar Falls Park is a county park in southern Greenville County, located about two miles south of Hwy 418 and 9 miles west of I-385. The park is immediately adjacent to the Reedy River and includes a playground, large open space, many walking paths, public restroom facilities and at its southern end, access to the river. The area serves an estimated 3,783 households in its immediate vicinity (characterized by bordering census districts).

In order to mitigate the high-nutrient condition of the Reedy River, Greenville County installed a stormwater BMP known as a Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance (RSC). Acting as bioretention cells in series, this structure not only conveys water, but reduces both runoff volume and runoff pollutants in the process. The County employs these and other similar BMPs throughout its jurisdiction, actively installing these where space and budget permit on their own properties, most notably in the Reedy River watershed (where this RSC will also reside).

Additionally, the County added a public education component to this park once the upgrades were complete. This not only informs the public but provides examples for local contractors and design professionals of how effective, cost efficient and visually appealing these natural conveyance structures can be.

Completed Project Images
Flexamat Before
Flexamat After
A-jacks Before
A-jacks After
Coir Log Before
Coir Log After
