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Emergency Medical Services
Team Member Archive
Meet our Team Members:
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Every month we will be selecting a team member for our Employee Spotlight.

This month we are introducing Haley Anderson, EMT serving since November 2017.

What is your favorite quote, saying, or motto?

“It is the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more.” Albus Dumbledore

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

My trophy for being a good work partner. Also keeping my sister alive for 27 years, the amount of times she has tried to give herself food poisoning is concerning.

What is your #1 pet peeve?

The sound of a spoon scraping a bowl, I hate it.

What is your most memorable moment in your EMS career?

Just the camaraderie of our shift makes the bad times bearable and the good times great. It makes for some good laughs and fantastic memories.

What is your favorite movie or play?

Clueless or Legally Blonde, it’s an impossible choice.

What would constitute a perfect EMS crew member?

Someone you can jam with in between calls.

What is your best kept secret?

Probably what my face looks like without makeup for about half the people here.

What would you consider your worst habit?

My spending at a grocery store, my bank account hates me.

Who is your greatest inspiration in your life?

My sister.

What is your favorite food item?

Almost any baked good… unless it has mint in it.

What would be considered luxury to you?

Going on vacation whenever and wherever I’d want.

If you could meet anyone in the history of the world, who and why?

Taylor Swift because her music has gotten me through the good and bad moments in my life and I’d love to thank her for sharing it.

What would your epitaph say?

The girl could bake.

What is your favorite type of music?

Taylor Swift.

Where would you like to grow old?

On a cruise around the world.
