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Emergency Medical Services
Team Member Archive
Meet our Team Members:
Employee Photo

Every month we will be selecting a team member for our Employee Spotlight.

This month we’re introducing Alex Danning.

What is your favorite quote, saying, or motto?

Henry David Thoreau — 'I make myself rich by making my wants few.’

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

Having 3 kids and actually keeping them alive.

What is your #1 pet peeve?

Needless clutter.

What is your most memorable moment in your EMS career?

The looooong sleep after medic school.

What is your favorite movie or play?

Good mood: Surfs Up

Bad mood: Fight Club

What would constitute a perfect EMS crew member?

Someone who volunteers to drive.

What is your best kept secret?

The Batman series is based on my life story.

What would you consider your worst habit?

Not knowing when to be serious.

Greatest inspiration in your life?

Seeing old couples that have been together 60+ years that still actually like each other.

What is your favorite food item?

Tacos. All day, everyday.

What would be considered luxury to you?

I’m happy whenever I don’t have to have shoes on.

If you could meet anyone in the history of the world, who and why?

My old roommate Jeff. He stills owes me $20.

What would your epitaph say?

Hero who died saving earth from the space zombie invasion.

What is your favorite type of music?

Beach Bum Rock. Sublime, Dirty Heads, etc.

Where would you like to grow old?

Laying under a palm tree, watching the waves.
