Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Emergency Medical Services
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Communications (MedCom)

Greenville County EMS serves as a secondary communications center to the primary public safety answering points located at the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office and each of the municipalities. All
9-1-1 calls for medical emergencies are transferred to the EMS communications center known as MedCom. MedCom also dispatches for 17 of the 31 County fire departments. Calls are screened and prioritized by Emergency Medical Dispatch-trained telecommunicators using the Medical Priority Dispatch System. Dispatchers also serve as system status controllers who strategically post available ambulances at locations where calls are expected based on historical information. MedCom is accredited by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch as a Center of Excellence. Several telecommunicators are trained as tactical dispatchers and respond to special operations incidents with the Greenville County Emergency Response Team.

Team Members
Community Outreach Photo

Greenville County EMS is sensitive to the limited career ladder and advancement in EMS communications. As such, multiple levels of opportunities have been created for promotion and commensurate compensation as follows:

  • Telecommunicator
  • Communications Specialist
  • Communications Training Specialist
  • Assistant Communications Supervisor
  • Communications Supervisor
  • Communications Manager
  • Director of Communications
  • EMD Academy

    To address the EMS communications workforce shortages inherent across the United States including the Upstate Carolinas region, Greenville County EMS started an in-house EMD Academy to train team members at no cost to the student. Applicants interested in working in the Communications Division are not required to have previous training or knowledge. Each will be trained on-site.
