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Emergency Medical Services
Team Member Archive
Meet our Team Members:
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Every month we will be selecting a team member for our Employee Spotlight.

This month we’re introducing Diane Mann. Diane is a Paramedic on B-Shift that has been working with Greenville County EMS since 2009.

What is your favorite quote, saying, or motto?

"The only two things I have to do in life are breathe and die, the rest is all my choice." I came up with that. Often, when I am doing things for people, frequently at work, they will respond by telling me, "You don't/didn't have to do that!" That's my response. I want them to know it was my choice to be considerate/thoughtful/go above and beyond. There is no need for 'payback'. I believe in paying it forward and often hope that is just what people think to do.

What is your greatest achievement in life so far?

I suppose my greatest achievement thus far would simply be trying to live each day trying to be a good human, a good daughter, sister, mom, friend, person I can be to those around me.

What is your #1 pet peeve?

Poor grammar. Open cabinets. Closed minds. People who don't replace the toilet paper and those who put it on upside-down.

What is your most memorable moment in your EMS career?

I have so many memorable moments in EMS. I would be remiss to name just one. My favorite calls are cardiac, and I have some memorable STEMIS, which include 2 posteriors I called 3 weeks apart. My most prolific day thus far was a gorgeous Saturday in April with Gene Tennes. We ran 4 calls and I can go through the day like it was yesterday. Bad breathing call, simple fall turned to disaster, pediatric gunshot and then a ROSC. I remember driving home that day feeling as though it was the most accomplished day in my career but how the feeling was bittersweet at someone else's expense.

What is your favorite movie or play?

My two favorite movies are Tombstone and Practical Magic. The latter my favorite book by my favorite author.

What would constitute a perfect EMS crew member?

There is no perfect EMS crew member. Knowing that is half the battle. But a good EMT needs compassion and the drive to be the difference.

What is your best kept secret?

I am very much who I am for those who take time to know me (open book). They probably know all my 'secrets'. I guess for coworkers, my biggest secret is that I used to sing pretty darn good, earning scholarships with my voice. And that I am also a pretty amazing writer.

What would you consider your worst habit?

I can be over-tenacious (and over-bearing!).

Greatest inspiration in your life?

Making time to be in the moment. That's not an easy accomplishment.

What is your favorite food item?

I love tacos and cake!

What would be considered luxury to you?

A luxury for me would be to have the means to do for others without having to wonder "can I make it happen?"

If you could meet anyone in the history of the world, who and why?

Prince, the artist formerly known as. He's a musical genius.

What would your epitaph say?

“And so she did.” Or simply “she did.”

What is your favorite type of music?

My favorite music is Blues.

Where would you like to grow old?

I want to live young at the beach. If you ride with me, you'll know I ask every patient how young they are, and then put in my report, "years young.” Age is only relative to the number of candles.
