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Detention Center
A Division of Public Safety

The Health Services Division, which operates inside the Greenville County Detention Center and Juvenile Detention Facility, provides emergent and other necessary health care and services to persons being detained. These services encompass both Medical and Mental Health.

The Health Services staff is comprised of a Manager who oversees a staff of medical professionals and para-professionals. This includes Physicians, a Forensics Psychiatrist, a Physician Assistant, a Family Nurse Practitioner, Medical and Mental Health Supervisors, Nurses, Critical Care Technicians, Medical Assistants, and Mental Health Counselors. Paperwork, ancillary duties and appointments are performed by Administrative staff members.

In partnership with Greenville Health System, an operating philosophy has emerged theorizing that more intensive "in-house" care reduces the need for more expensive outside referrals for care. To that end, patients may be referred to specialty care Physicians when a need is identified such as Orthopedic follow-up services, Internal medicine referrals, Dental care, etc.

Our staff is frequently first to encounter, recognize and treat social, environmental, psychological and medical concerns that impact inmate patients. The Health Services staff is committed to providing a quality continuum of health care as well as assisting inmate patients in improving their overall health and wellbeing. Staff is available 24-hours a day inside the facility.

Inmates are medically evaluated and treated regardless of ability to provide payment for services.

A five-dollar co-payment is charged to an inmate's account to defray the costs of medical care in accordance with County ordinances and policies. These charges are on a per-occurrence basis.

Because of HIPAA confidentiality laws, the Detention Center’s Medical Services staff is prohibited from providing inmate medical/mental health information or discussing inmate history or treatment with friends, family members, attorney’s or clergy. We can, however; accept information regarding medications and history that you feel would benefit us to know about the inmate.


My family or friend has a medical concern and has been arrested, what do I do?

The following was prepared as a step-by-step guide to help families cope with the criminal justice system in Greenville County when a family member that has medical concerns is arrested.

Step One: Support Your Relative

  • If your family member/friend calls you and says that she/he has been arrested, help him/her stay calm and offer your help and support.
  • If she/he is already at the Detention Center (County Jail), she/he will be screened for health related concerns, upon arrival. It is very important that they be direct and honest to benefit as much as possible from this screening process. Assure your family member that it is OK to discuss his/her concerns with the staff conducting the screening, which includes the Operations Booking Staff, the Medical Staff and Jail Psychological Services staff. It is important that your family member feel safe to speak openly with the screeners.

Step Two: Send A Fax Or Drop Form Off At Detention Center

  • You may complete the Inmate Medical/Mental Health Information Form and fax it to the Division of Health Services at 864-467-2386. If you do not have access to a fax, you may drop this form off in the main lobby of the Detention Center.
    Click on form, print, complete and fax as instructed above.
  • IMPORTANT: This fax shall contain Medical information only! All other questions related to incarcerated person must be addressed to the Operations Division of the Detention Center.
  • Once you are sure your relative has been booked into the facility, fax the document to Division of Health Services at 864.467.2386. Faxes can be sent 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Step Three: Contact The Detention Center

  • Call the Detention Center at 864.467.2330 and ask to leave a Phone-In-Concern for Medical/Psychological Services staff. Inform them that your family member suffers from a medical or mental illness and describe the diagnosis and any other concerns you might have.
