Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Detention Center

The Detention Center uses a vendor to provide commissary services to the inmate population as a privilege. Inmates may purchase commissary items two times per week through this vendor. Inmates may access commissary services utilizing the inmate phone system, order sheets or electronic kiosks located inside of inmate housing areas. The following conditions apply to the inmate commissary:

  • There is a $100 maximum purchase per order. Commissary delivery is made throughout the facility twice a week. Schedules are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances such as holidays.
  • Inmates may purchase snack items, hygiene items, writing materials, OTC medications, undergarments and other miscellaneous items from the commissary.
  • Inmates released to the community before receiving their commissary orders may return to the facility within 3 business days to receive their order. Commissary personnel are on site Monday – Friday 8am to 2pm. Commissary orders made by inmates who are released to the community will not be subject to cash refunds. Any orders not picked up within 3 business days will be forfeited. Only inmates released to another facility will receive a refund for their purchase.
  • Inmates placed in restrictive housing may be subject to ordering restrictions.
  • Friends and family may place orders for inmates by visiting www.jailpackstore.com. The items available are already consolidated into packages from which individuals can select from. These items will be delivered to the inmate by the commissary vendor’s staff assigned to the Detention Center.
Barber Services
  • Inmates may request barber services as needed from a professional barber. Haircuts are $8.00 and Shaves are $7.00. There is a high volume of requests for barber services. Inmates must understand that there may be a 1-2 week delay in services upon receipt of request.

Inmates incarcerated for at least 90 days and with account balances of less than $1.00 for 7 or more days are eligible for Indigent Barber Services every 90 days. Their indigent services are debited from the inmate account and are held as outstanding debt.
