Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Detention Center
Adult Facility

The Adult Detention Center is comprised of three uniquely different facilities for the housing of adult offenders.

These facilities, based on standards set by the South Carolina Department of Corrections, currently have an official rated capacity of 1,277. Services such as housing, welfare, transportation, medical, dental, mental health services, laundry, and food service are provided.

The Detention Center was relocated to McGee Street after the closure of the old Broad Street jail and construction of a new Law Enforcement Center in 1976. The original Detention Center commonly referred to as the "old jail" or "Building Two", had an initial capacity of 203, and included a food service area, laundry facilities and administrative areas. At present, after multiple renovations and upgrades, this facility is used primarily for inmate housing and has an official rated capacity of 511.

A new facility was constructed adjacent to the original facility in 1994. This facility, commonly referred to as the "new jail" or "Building One", had an initial capacity of 288 and included a food service area, laundry facilities, intake and release area, medical facilities, administrative offices and designated housing areas for inmates with medical and mental health needs. At present, after some renovations the facility has an official rated capacity of 318.

An additional facility was constructed in 2007. This facility, commonly referred to as "Building Four" consists primarily of inmate housing areas and spaces dedicated for various support services. The initial and current rated capacity of this facility is 448.
