Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Detention Center
What are the times that I can visit an inmate?

On the Detention Center’s web page; please select the Inmate Services option, and select Visitation in the Dropdown Menu.
There you will find a link to the Visitation times. Visitation times vary by inmate housing unit.

What is a temporary bond?

A temporary bond means that the inmate has not yet appeared before a judge to be arraigned on their charges and no bond has been set.

How can I find out what an inmate’s bond amount is?

This information is available on the Detention Center’s web page in the Inmate Search option. Bonds will be listed for individual charges for the inmate.

How can I find out where an inmate is housed?

You must call or visit the Detention Center to obtain this information. Housing is subject to change.

Can I get information about how much money an inmate has in their account?

Staff members are not allowed to provide this information to anyone other than the inmate.

How long does it take for an inmate to be released?

Paying an inmate’s bond does not complete the release process. A judicial release must be received before the release process is initiated at the Detention Center. It is the goal of the facility to release inmates within 4 hours of receiving judicial authorization to release the inmate. Facility emergencies or other exigent circumstances may affect release times. You should call or visit the Detention Center to acquire more information about estimated release times if you are waiting for an inmate to be released.

Does an inmate remain in the same housing unit for the duration of his incarceration?

Inmate housing is not permanent. An inmate’s housing unit may be changed at any time based on the needs of the facility.

How can I get information about an inmate’s release date?

You must contact or visit the facility to obtain this information. You may also ask the inmate who has access to this information.

How can I get information about an inmate’s court date?

You may contact the court of Jurisdiction to obtain this information.

Who do I contact regarding medical concerns for inmates?

Concerned parties may contact or visit the Detention Center to inform staff of their concerns. The information will be forwarded to the
Health Service Department to be addressed. Emergent matters will be afforded immediate attention.
Concerns may also be emailed to detentioncenteradministrator@greenvillecounty.org

Who do I contact if I have questions/concerns regarding an inmate or services at the Detention Center?

You may call or report to the Detention Center to have your issues addressed. Detention Center staff members
are trained to handle matters at the lowest level possible. Staff members will contact the appropriate supervisor should the situation require a supervisor to become involved. Concerns may also be emailed to detentioncenteradministrator@greenvillecounty.org

Can I visit an inmate who is housed in the Special Housing Unit (SHU)?

When an inmate is housed in the Special Housing Unit for disciplinary reasons some activities are suspended.
The inmate will be eligible for visitation on the 7th day after he was received in the Special Housing Unit.

What information can I be given about an inmate at the Detention Center?
  • Confirmation the inmate is incarcerated.
  • The charges, warrant or ticket numbers and case numbers.
  • The arresting officer and agency.
  • The trial Magistrate or Municipal Judge.
  • The amount of bond or sentence.
  • The amount of bond or sentence.
  • Holds from other agencies.
