Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Clerk of Court
Jury Duty
Juror Selection and Pay
Selection Process

Jurors are selected from a list made up of all registered voters, licensed drivers, and holders of state-issued photo I.D. cards.

A panel of three jury commissioners meets once a month to randomly draw a pre-determined number of jurors for a particular week of court by a computerized process.

The commissioners never see the names that are chosen. The Clerk of Court’s office prints the list of names (also called a Venire) and the summons are prepared and mailed to the prospective jurors. A list of jurors that do not respond to the summons is sent to the Greenville Sheriff's Office for them to follow up in person. The jury summons are mailed 20 to 30 days before the jurors are to appear in court.

Jury Duty Pay

A juror is paid $20.00 a day for each day that he or she serves on jury duty. Debit cards are mailed within 2 business days after your jury service ends.
