Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Clerk of Court
Alternative Dispute Resolution
General Information

January 1, 1999 started a new era at the Greenville County Courthouse; the Pilot Program for ADR was adopted. Many people have worked several years to bring alternative dispute resolution into the court system and are owed many thanks. This latest effort has involved a local committee comprised of Circuit Court and Family Court judges, the Clerk of Court, plaintiffs bar members, defense bar members, the Greenville County Bar Association, three major insurance carriers, and the Upstate Mediation Network.

The Modified ADR Pilot Program implementation date was August 2, 1999 in Common Pleas Court for all cases filed on or after January 1, 1999, and September 1, 1999 in Family Court for all final hearings requested.

The ADR Coordinator is Kathy Phillips. Kathy can be reached directly at 467-8233 or by e-mail at ADRCoordinator@greenvillecounty.org. Joan S. Brown is the Public Services Counsel for ADR for the SC Bar and may be reached at 803.799.6653, ext. 138, 803.799.5290 for fax, or by e-mail at jbrown@scbar.org.
