Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Clerk of Court
Jury Duty
Where to Park and Report

This message applies to those jurors who have been summoned to Circuit Court by the Greenville County Clerk of Court.

When reporting for jury duty, you must park at the Church Street Parking Garage located at the corner of Elford and Church Street, next to the Bon Secours Wellness Arena. (Marked as Lot D on the Map link below.) You may enter the garage from Church Street. Please do not park at Liberty Square, or the Commons Parking Garage. Vouchers will not be honored at these facilities. As you enter the parking garage, you will get your ticket from the dispenser. This voucher will allow you to exit the garage without paying a fee. DO NOT PARK IN SPACES MARKED "RESERVED" IN THE GARAGE.

Please follow the parking procedures listed below:
  1. Please take a ticket from the ticket dispenser when entering the parking garage each day. Leave the ticket in your car; it is required when exiting the garage.
  2. You will be issued a voucher from the Clerk’s Office which will allow you exit the parking garage at no charge, unless you lose the voucher.
  3. When leaving the garage at the end of the day, you will need to enter your parking ticket in the Automated Machine, then present your court-issued voucher into the Automated Machine for payment. If you have a problem, use the CALL BOX FOR ADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE.
  4. You are responsible for your voucher. If it is misplaced or lost, you will have to pay to exit, we cannot reimburse you for payment.

The county courthouse is located on the northwest corner of Church and East North Street. There will be a sign on your left, and the building takes up the entire block. Please do not park behind the courthouse as the parking is strictly enforced and is limited to 2 hours for courthouse business only. After entering the building, you will pass through security, and be directed to the jury assembly room, which is located on the ground floor.

Please do not bring into the courthouse any mace, pepper gas, guns, knives or other weapons. Even pocket knives and personal canisters of mace are prohibited, so please leave these in your car.

Finally, there are several parking garages in the immediate area. Parking for jurors is only provided when you park in the Church Street Parking Garage.
