Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Clerk of Court
Civil - Common Pleas
Jury Trial Dates - Common Pleas

Trial dates are determined when a case appears on a Status Conference Roster, approximately 10 to 16 months from the filing date. Status Conferences are held in Greenville County each Spring and Fall. The purpose of the Status Conference is to set the case on an upcoming Trial Roster. Detailed information, regarding the Status Conference Procedure and Status Conference Form, will be given to you when you receive your notice.

Attorneys and parties acting as Pro Se (people who are representing themselves) are notified of the Status Conference either by e-mail or US Mail using the contact information in the Clerk of Court Case Management System.

If all parties are able to agree on a trial date, a Status Conference Form must be emailed to the Jury Trial Coordinator, Lyndall Coker lcoker@greenvillecounty.org in lieu of attending the conference. Only one Status Conference form should be emailed to the coordinator. The form should not be e-filed. If the parties are not able to agree on a trial date, they must plan to attend the conference at the scheduled time.

It is the responsibility of the parties to calendar the agreed upon trial date. A courtesy notice will be sent to the attorneys and pro se litigants approximately one week before the case appears on the trial roster along with the detailed information you will need for trial. Settlements should be reported to the coordinator as soon as possible.

The “Rules of Civil Procedure” can be found in any one of the following locations: Greenville County Public Library and Greenville Technical College Library.

For further Clerk of Court information visit https://www.greenvillecounty.org/ClerkOfCourt/.
