Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Clerk of Court
Court Reporters and Transcripts

Both the Circuit Court and the Family Court are courts of record in which a court reporter records all proceedings in the courtroom. Court reporters are state employees who are assigned to record the proceedings of an assigned judge. If you anticipate the need for a transcript of any court proceedings, you should obtain the business card of the court reporter assigned to your hearing or trial. Requests for court transcripts must be made in writing directly to the assigned court reporter. The court reporter will contact you with an estimated charge for the transcript.

Court reporters' names and contact information may also be obtained from your attorney or by calling South Carolina Court Administration at 803.734.1800. When making a request you must specify the respective case’s name and the date of the hearing or trial.

Finding an Attorney

If you are in need of an attorney, there are several sources of information available that can assist you in making an informed decision. The South Carolina Bar Association sponsors a Lawyer Referral Service that can be contacted by telephone at 1.800.868.2284.

In addition, you may also refer to the Martindale-Hubbel legal directory in the reference section of the Main Branch of the Greenville County Library.

If you fall within certain middle or low-income categories, there may be a possibility that you qualify for low cost or free legal services. Further information on pro bono or modest means programs can be obtained from the Legal Services Agency of Western Carolina by calling 864.679.3232.

The Clerk of Court staff cannot make attorney recommendations. However, we do urge you to consult an attorney before appearing in Circuit Court or Family Court.

What happens when I go to Court?

Whether you will be coming to court as a party, witness, family friend, or observer, there are certain rules of conduct and appearance that everyone must follow. First, and foremost, you should arrive at court on time. Please be sure to allow sufficient time to find a parking space and pass through the security checkpoint at the front entrance. Mace, pepper spray, guns, knives or any other objects deemed to be potential weapons are not allowed in the courthouse. Everyone entering the courthouse is subject to being searched.

Second, you are also expected to conduct yourself in a respectful manner. Whether appearing in court, or simply observing, you must come properly dressed. A coat and tie or dress is considered appropriate. Shorts, t-shirts and tank tops are not permitted in the courtrooms. When entering the courtroom please do so quietly and promptly find a seat.

Depending upon the type of court you are attending, there will be various personnel in the courtroom. Some judges will have their law clerk seated beside them on the bench. A court reporter is stationed at the front bench to record all testimony. A Deputy Clerk also sits at the front bench to handle paperwork and administer oaths. In addition, both Bailiffs and Sheriff’s Deputies are present to assist with the jurors and maintain security.

If an attorney represents you, he or she will speak on your behalf. When called upon to address the judge, it is proper to address him or her as "Your Honor". The court may rule from the bench or take a matter under advisement in order to further consider the law and evidence. When a jury trial is held the jury’s verdict will be announced in court at the conclusion of the case. Any outburst or public display in the courtroom is not proper, regardless of the case’s outcome. You should leave the courtroom in a quiet and dignified manner.

Other Information

Legal reference material is also available from the Greenville County Library on College Street, and at the Greenville Technical College Library (Barton Campus).
