Greenville County
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Long Range Planning

Mills Mill
Mills Mill Community Plan Underway
 Posted: 06/18/14 11:05 AM by Tom Meeks

In 1896 the construction of the Mills Mill began and the mill community began developing shortly thereafter. Today, Mills Mill is primarily a residential community that faces many challenges and opportunities and its residents want to identify a future vision for their area.  The Mills Mill Community  is bordered on the east by the City of Greenville, on the south by Mills Avenue, on the west by Brushy Creek, and on the north by Green Avenue.  

After meeting with community leaders, the planning staff has begun a community planning process.  The initial inventory phase will be completed by mid summer, and following this inventory the community will begin the development of a plan at that time.   

Any comments or questions may be directed to Greenville County Long Range Planning Manager, Tom Meeks: (864) 467-7270,

