Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Land Development
Streambank Stabilization
North Chastain
North Chastain Project Overview

Greenville County has been awarded an ARPA-Funded Stormwater Infrastructure Program (ASIP) grant through the South Carolina Office of Resilience (SCOR) to establish a riparian forest and perform a restoration in the Reedy River watershed. One of the projects that will be funded by this grant is the North Chastain Stream Restoration and Riparian Area Reclamation project.

North Chastain Drive is located off North Franklin Road and along the west bank of Langston Creek, a tributary of the Reedy River north of the City of Greenville. Much of the property around North Chastain Drive was acquired as part of Greenville County’s floodplain buyout program in 2010, when the County acquired 15 properties to reduce flood risks in the area.

The proposed project is contained on County-owned property and consists of a 5.5-acre reforestation effort, a 600-ft stream restoration of an unnamed tributary, and single-sided 600-ft stream restoration of Langston Creek. The proposed improvements will stabilize the stream banks, reduce the transport of sediment/nutrients downstream, protect adjacent utilities, and improve environmental habitat with the stream corridor.

North Chastain Vicinity Map
North Chastain Vicinity Map
