Pet Waste Stations
If required by Greenville County, Pet Waste Stations shall be as follows:
- DOGIPOT® Pet Sign (Item #1203 or Item #1204) or equal
- Aluminum DOGIPOT® Junior Bag Dispenser (Item #1002-2) or equal
- DOGIPOT® Telescoping Post (Item 1301-P) or equal
If facility/Home Owner’s Association has full-time maintenance staff, the Station shall include:
- Aluminum Trash Receptacle with Lid (Item #1206A-L) or equal
The pet waste station shall be installed per manufacturer instructions.
Low Impact Design Manual
Low Impact Design Manual – Chapter 10 – This chapter describes the describes the design methodology of Low-Impact
Development related to storm water management
Simplified Detention Manual
The Simplified Detention Manual is a calibrated stormwater design procedure for Greenville County. This Design Manual and User's
Guide includes the following components:
- Summary of the methodology for creation of the spreadsheets
- Tables for land uses and curves for design aids
- Example problems
SEDIMOT IV is a County modeling tool for evaluating the trapping efficiency of sediment control practices used during construction. The BMPs included in this model are sediment ponds, sediment traps, and silt fences. This is a free software and includes rainfall and soil data specific to Greenville County.
To obtain your free copy of SEDIMOT IV go to to create an account and request the software.
For any questions or technical support, contact
SECAD 4 for Windows was developed specifically for the design and evaluation of alternative erosion prevention and sediment control
systems with a focus on earth-disturbing activities.
SEDCAD ordering information
The County’s IDEAL Model (Integrated Design, Evaluation, and Assessment of Loadings) is a post-construction BMP model with rainfall and soil data specific to Greenville County. The model is the first of its kind to allow engineers and watershed planners a way to better design and manage water quality solutions. It is a program that can be used by design professionals to calculate the performance of various BMPs, such as detention/retention ponds, vegetated filter strips, bioretention cells, and manufactured treatment devices.
The Greenville IDEAL software is protected with a hardware key that will need to be plugged into your computer for the model to open and run.
To obtain a copy of the Greenville IDEAL software and the required hardware key, go to to create an account and purchase the software. Greenville County will provide the IDEAL model to users located within Greenville County free of charge. This includes one free hardware key per company, free technical support, and any updates to the model. IDEAL users not in the County will be charged $350 (plus tax and shipping) for the Greenville IDEAL model, one hardware key, one year of technical support, and any updates to the model. At any time, extra hardware keys may be purchased for $100 at the same website.
For any questions or technical support, contact