Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Land Development

The Land Development Division reviews engineering plans for stormwater compliance on construction sites prior to issuance of a grading permit. Additionally, plans are reviewed to ensure compliance to standards as outlined in the Land Development Regulations (LDR) for new subdivisions. We also provide review and inspection services for developing sites to verify that construction adheres to the approved plans.

This division implements the water quality components of the NPDES permit, which is the compliance system for the Clean Water Act.

Report Water Pollution

Mission Statement

Our mission is to protect and strengthen the general water quality through effectual stormwater management strategies. To maintain a high level of flood protection through sound planning and innovative engineering solutions, to maintain infrastructure integrity, to protect public safety and private property and to provide a prominent level of customer service and communication to the public, private, and governmental sectors.


Our vision is to be committed to protecting, maintaining and enhancing the environment through responsible stewardship and creative site planning of the natural and economic resources that make up our unique community. Encouraging and valuing citizen communication by building partnerships and educating all citizens to ensure an enhanced quality of life for present and future generations.

Division News

08/2023 - Road Policy Reminders

04/14/21 - Combo Plan Reviews Reminder

Greenville County Good Housekeeping Training
Good Housekeeping Training

03/06/18 - Presentation from Contractors and CEPSCI Training

09/13/17 - Electronic Submittal Policy

We can no longer accept credit card payments via SC.Gov for permitting fees; we will however, continue to accept electronic checks. When entering routing and checking account numbers, please double check for accuracy prior to submitting the payment.

Important Announcement

Underground Detention Policy and Form - NEW

LDD Fee Schedule - 10/01/23

Moving Letter - 03/10/23

Updated IDEAL 4.0 -11/2021

Cityworks Maintenance Announcement to Engineers - 03/01/21

Residential LID Use - 01/20/21

Greenville County Rainfall Data click here, please check the legend for additional information.
