Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Forensic Division
Property and Evidence Section
Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence Section is an integral part of the Forensic Division and law enforcement community. The main function of this section is the receipt, storage, and release of evidence at the Greenville County Law Enforcement Center. Additionally, the Property and Evidence Section acts as a liaison between the requesting agencies and the laboratories of the Forensic Division.

All evidence must be tracked and stored properly in order to be introduced in judicial proceedings. This process is referred to as the Chain of Custody. The Property and Evidence Section uses a versatile barcode tracking system to maintain Chain of Custody. This system has greatly improved the efficiency of the Property and Evidence Section. Property and Evidence Custodians are often required to provide courtroom testimony as to any/all their involvement with the evidence being introduced.

The Property and Evidence Section is also responsible for coordinating discovery viewings of evidence. These discovery viewings are for prosecuting and defense attorneys to view evidence prior to judicial proceedings. Discoveries are very time consuming as the employee(s) must pull the evidence, remain with the evidence during the viewing and return the evidence to its original storage location.

With the growing importance of physical evidence in criminal cases and judicial proceedings, officers collect increasing amounts of evidence. This has created storage issues within the limited amount of space assigned to the Property and Evidence Section. Management has confronted this by seeking and receiving Capital Improvement Funding for the renovation of the existing storage facilities. Space-saving shelving solutions have been purchased and deployed to maximize the current area. As part of this ongoing renovation project the security in the Property and Evidence Section has been significantly enhanced.
