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Forensic Division
DNA Laboratory
DNA Laboratory

In 2004, Greenville County partnered with Greenville Technical College to open a Forensic DNA testing laboratory to support local law enforcement needs. The physical laboratory space was provided on the campus of Greenville Technical College with grant funding utilized for the majority of the financial support to build and equip the new laboratory. Greenville County agreed to provide staff and the financial support for operation of the laboratory. In March 2011, the DNA Laboratory achieved ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accreditation to perform Forensic DNA casework. With this accreditation, Greenville County became the third governmental DNA Laboratory to become accredited and operational in South Carolina.

DNA Casework is comprised of two parts – serology (biological screening) and DNA analysis. Serology is the process in which evidence items are analyzed by observation and chemical testing to locate and identify bodily fluids, hair or other DNA sources. If potential DNA evidence is located, the evidence is carefully collected and forwarded for DNA analysis. DNA analysis uses Short Tandem Repeat Polymerase Chain Reaction (STR-PCR) DNA technology to develop a DNA profile from the sample. The DNA profile from the sample is then compared to DNA profiles from known individuals to determine the statistical likelihood of the two samples originating from the same source.

Since the DNA Laboratory opened, client agencies have benefited by having direct access to local Serologists/DNA analysts to assist in best evidence practices and collection techniques. This communication has led to an increase in DNA profiles recovered from evidence. Additionally, by having a local DNA laboratory, conclusions in casework are reached sooner and the State Lab receives less caseload from the Upstate.

DNA technology has grown rapidly since 2011, and the Greenville County DNA Laboratory has increased its capabilities to provide the best results. The Laboratory has added new automated instruments for streamlining DNA extraction and purification, software equipment for recovering profiles from multi-person DNA mixtures and highly-degraded DNA, and implemented a paperless casework system.

In addition to ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation, the DNA Laboratory is required to meet the FBI Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories for CODIS (Combined DNA Index System). In January 2020, the DNA Laboratory successfully completed reaccreditation under the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Forensic Testing Laboratory standards through ANAB (ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board).
