Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Forensic Division

In the mid 1970’s Greenville County Council commissioned a study to review the efficiency of law enforcement services in Greenville County. As a result of this study the Police Service Bureau was born which consolidated many of the support services of County law enforcement such as dispatch, training, records management, ID services, and a crime laboratory. The original organization was overseen by the Police Service Bureau Board.

Since the inception of this organization the scope and responsibilities have changed to meet the needs of County law enforcement and the community. The Department is currently known as the Department of Public Safety which is led by the Assistant County Administrator for Public Safety who reports to the Greenville County Administrator. Current areas of responsibilities within the organization are the Greenville County Detention Center, Records Management Division and Forensic Division.

The Forensic Division started with humble beginnings, and originally started with the ID Section and Crime Laboratory. The ID Section was responsible for responding to calls to provide photographic documentation of the crime scene, and for locating, collecting, and processing physical evidence. The ID Section was also tasked with rolling known fingerprints from arrestees and community members. The Crime Laboratory was originally staffed by two individuals, retired from the FBI, who offered the services of hair and fiber, document, and impression evidence analysis.

Over the course of time the needs of the law enforcement community have evolved as have the capabilities of Forensic Science. The Forensic Division currently provides services in the areas of crime scene investigation/reconstruction, latent print/impression evidence analysis, drug analysis, ballistic analysis, DNA analysis, and the storage/managing of physical evidence.
