Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Engineering & Maintenance
Services & Assistance
Services & Assistance

The Division offers certain services and assistance to the public. Some of the services we offer, and don't offer, are described below, along with a brief explanation of Ordinance 3571. All work is subject to the rules of the ordinance.

Ordinance 3571

The responsibilities, scope of services, and limitations of the Engineering and Maintenance Division are set forth in County Ordinance 2181. This code has been amended through the years to meet the changing needs of the County. Ordinance 3571 repealed ordinance 2181 in 2002, and ordinance 3819 amended ordinance 3571 in 2004.

The main sections of the ordinance include:

  • Work on the County Right of Way
  • Work on Private Property
  • Private Road Acceptance
  • Public Road Relinquishment
  • Emergency Work

The types of services and assistance available to the public are clearly defined in the ordinance. A few of the key services provided on the County Right of Way include:

  • Installation of Roadways, Gravel, & Asphalt Pavement
  • Drainage Improvements
  • Driveway Pipe Installation

A few of the key services provided off the County Right of Way consist of:

  • Drainage Assistance
  • Waste Soil
  • Cemetery and Emergency Access Drives

Eligibility requirements and procedures for roadway acceptance, roadway relinquishment and emergency work are also addressed in the ordinance.

Work on the County R/W

Installation of Roadways, Gravel, & Asphalt Pavement:

Limited improvement of County Roads including clearing & grading (when necessary) and gravel installation is provided for new home construction or mobile homes. Installation of new asphalt pavement on dirt and gravel roads is provided on those in the County's inventory.

Drainage Improvements:

Drainage improvements such as installing rip rap lining and piping roadside ditches may be authorized to remedy structural, traffic safety, pedestrian safety, erosion, or flooding problems on a County road, but would not be authorized for purely aesthetic reasons.

Driveway Pipe Installation:

Installation of driveway pipes for residential lots is provided subject to ordinances 3571 and 3673. The County will provide and install a maximum of 24' of driveway pipe per residence. This service is not available to commercial properties, or to developers creating multiple residential lots on a County road.

Work on Private Property

Drainage Assistance:

Drainage improvements on private property are provided by Engineering & Maintenance. Assistance is limited by one crew and shall be superseded by all normal or emergency maintenance activities. A twenty-four (24) month waiting period is required between each drainage assistance project performed for the same property owner(s).The underlying principle of the assistance program is that all materials are paid for by the owner(s), while the County provides equipment and labor.

Waste Soil:

Waste or surplus soils from County maintenance activities may be provided to the public. Waste soil is provided only when it is more convenient or economical for crews to give it away rather than stockpile it, or if it is not needed for other County projects or maintenance activities.

Cemetery & Emergency Access Drives:

The County Engineer may authorize the use of County crews & equipment to scrape cemetery access drives and/or private drives to provide access in time of emergencies.

Private Road Acceptance

Private Roads may be accepted into the County inventory for permanent maintenance. Refer to ordinance 3571 for eligibility requirements. For more information, call 467.7010.

Public Road Relinquishment

Rules for the relinquishment of County maintenance activities on public roads are listed in the department's "Policy and Procedures for County Road Maintenance Relinquishment". For more information, call 467.7010.

Emergency Work

The County Engineer may authorize the use of County labor, equipment, and materials for emergency situations on County roads. The Assistant County Administrator for Public Works may authorize the use of County labor, equipment, and materials to aid other governmental agencies in major emergencies or declared disasters.

Please call the Engineering Office or appropriate Maintenance Facility for additional information on the above.
