Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Engineering & Maintenance
Who Maintains My Road?
Who Maintains My Road?

In Greenville County, multiple agencies and private parties own and maintain roads. Each has its own unique identifying system and organizational structure. To save time and effort, it is usually helpful to determine the road number and ownership before calling about an issue. This can be done by following the steps below.

Go to: https://www.gcgis.org/

Who Maintains My Road?

1. Click on the Advanced Internet Mapping System for Desktops and Mobile Devices.

Who Maintains My Road?

2. Click on the Search tab. Then Search again, and enter street name, address, or tax map number.

Who Maintains My Road?

3. Click the “Identify” tool and then click the center of the road you would like to identify.

Who Maintains My Road?

4. The road name and road number will be listed on the first and second lines of the pop-up. Use the table below to determine who owns and maintains the selected road. If you have any additional questions about finding the correct owner of a road, please contact Greenville County Engineering and Maintenance at 864.467.7016.

Example Road Number Owner Contact Description

 - County  - 864.467.7016  - “A-R” followed by a four-digit number

 - Private Owner  -   - “A-R”-PD-“#”

 - State Road-Secondary  - https://www.scdot.org/  - S-23-“#” or SF-23-“#”

US 123
 - State Road-Primary  - https://www.scdot.org/  - US-“#” or SC-“#”

 - State Road-Interstate  - https://www.scdot.org/  - INT-“#”

 - City of Greenville  - https://www.greenvillesc.gov/  - Contains only the letters “GV”

 - City of Greer  - https://www.cityofgreer.org/  - Contains only the letters “GR”

 - City of Mauldin  - https://cityofmauldin.org/  - Contains only the letters “MD”

 - City of Fountain Inn  - https://www.fountaininn.org/  - Contains only the letters “FI”

 - City of Simpsonville  - https://www.simpsonville.com/  - Contains only the letters “SV”

 - City of Travelers Rest  - https://travelersrestsc.com/  - Contains only the letters “TR”

 - Subdivision Developer  - 864.467.4610  - Contains only the letters “SD”

 -   - 864.467.7016  - 
