Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Code Compliance
Code Enforcement
About Us

The objective of Code Enforcement is to promote a clean, healthy, and safe environment for the citizens of Greenville County. The Division is achieving this objective through the enforcement of local ordinances related to, environmental control, junkyards, nuisance signs, substandard housing, and property maintenance.

The current code utilized by the department is the International Property Maintenance Code.

How Code Enforcement Operates
  • When a complaint is received, it is logged and assigned to a Code Enforcement Officer.
  • The assigned Officer investigates each complaint to determine if a violation exists.
  • If evidence exists that a violation has occurred, the Officer will send a notice of violation to the responsible party.
  • If the violation(s) is not properly abated and the violation(s) continues, further enforcement action will be taken.
