Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Code Compliance
Building Safety
Commercial Plan Review

Greenville County Building Safety and Code Enforcement has transitioned to a new automated software system. All permits must be submitted through eTrakit. Approved permits will be processed and emailed within three business days. At this time, we have a five day processing period for permits to be issued, after all reviews have been approved. We thank you for your patience as we transition to this new online system and continue to get caught up. For instructions to apply for an online account and access to permit applications click here.

For instructions to apply for an online account and access to permit applications click here.

Commercial Plan Review

Commercial Plan Review is responsible for the review of all plans for commercial projects including the building, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, accessibility, special inspections and energy for compliance with the current South Carolina adopted codes. Fire reviews are coordinated with the local Fire Marshal’s office. A strong emphasis on life safety aspects of the proposed building is the priority of all reviews to ensure code compliance on all projects.

Plan Examiners are available for preliminary reviews, by appointment only. Preliminaries can be done on any project and are strongly encouraged on any complex project especially those containing Hazardous, Education, Institutional and Assembly occupancies or uses.

Permitting Forms and Applications
    Click here for a list of permitting forms and applications.
