Greenville County
i.e. "Pay my taxes", "Parks & Recreation", "Marriage Licenses", etc.
Animal Care Services
Tails & Trails
5K Walk/Run
Can You Keep Up With The Pack?

Can You Keep Up With The Pack?

Embark on an exhilarating adventure at Conestee Park as you and your furry friend race the trails together at our 9th Annual Tails & Trails 5K Walk/Run. Whether you're sprinting side by side with your canine companion, strolling in support of a noble cause, or participating in the race with family and friends without a pet, this event promises loads of fun for everyone. Tails & Trails isn't just about the thrill of the run; it's an opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of our community animals. All proceeds play a pivotal role in empowering Animal Care to extend assistance to homeless animals, while also bolstering programs aimed at reducing the number of animals entering the shelter. These initiatives include affordable and targeted spay/neuter programs, as well as a wide range of programs designed to provide resources that enable animals to stay within the loving confines of their homes.

Following the race, indulge in the festivities at our vibrant vendor village, let your pup revel in the puppy pools, and stay for the dog-gone awesome award ceremony.

*t-shirt sizing and availability is not guaranteed if registered after April 20th!


Walk or Run as a Team

When: Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
Where: Conestee Park (840 Mauldin Road Greenville SC 29607)
Packet Pickup Time: Begins at 7:30 AM on Race Site (Conestee Park)
Race Time: 8:30 AM

Individual Registration Pricing:
$30  Early Bird Pricing  (Now – April 5)
$35  Regular Pricing  (April 6 – April 20)
$40  Last Minute Pricing  (April 21 – May 3) *shirt sizes not guaranteed during last minute pricing
Kids 6 & Under Are FREE (No T-Shirt, No Race Bib)


Register Now!


Click Here to Donate


Run with your best running partner - your dog

We can't do it alone! Greenville County Animal Care is the LARGEST open admission animal shelter in South Carolina. We help over 7,000 animals each year in our shelter and assist hundreds of families stay together through our pet support services and low-cost spay/neuter and veterinary clinic.

100% of your fundraising efforts will go directly to support our lifesaving programs.

Help us continue helping Greenville's animals and the families that love them. Prizes will be awarded to our highest fundraisers so set up your fundraiser today and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to join you!


Interested In Becoming a Sponsor or Vendor?

Show your customers your compassion for animals while gaining exposure to an exclusive local audience by sponsoring Greenville County Animal Care’s 8th Annual charity run/walk to benefit homeless animals!

Learn About Our Sponsorship Opportunities


Apply To Be A Sponsor

For questions about becoming a sponsor or vendor at Tails & Trails, please contact Andrea Espinosa at or 864.467.3993.


Walk or Run with your best running partner - your dog!

T-shirts are guaranteed to all registrants who sign up on or before April 20. After that we cannot guarantee your size selection as shirts will be given on a first come first served basis until we run out. Don’t let that happen to you!! Register early and make sure you get the shirt that shows the world you are an animal live-saver!



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Stay Tuned For Race Results!

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