Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Probate Court
Complaint Form
Guardian and Conservatorship Complaint

The Greenville County Probate Court believes that it is important to have a Complaint process so that Guardians, Conservators, protected persons and other interested people have a way to raise concerns about the care and treatment of protected persons. If you have complaints or concerns you may use the form below to file an online Complaint. Please give us as much information, and be as specific as possible, about what you believe has been done wrong or what you believe should have been done differently. We will need:

  1. Who is the party you are complaining about;
  2. Which laws or duties do you believe the party has failed to follow and what were the facts leading to those failures;
  3. Document who is involved, when and where did the problems occur;
  4. Document whether you have tried to discuss the complaint with the party you’re complaining about and what the results were;
  5. What, if anything, has that party done to address your concerns;
  6. What do you recommend be done to correct the problems and why?

When we receive your completed Complaint form, we will send you an e-mail that we have received your Complaint and will email a response to you within 15 working days from the date the Complaint was received.

Information Request Form
Your Full Name
Zip Code
Best Contact Phone
Email Address

Information your are reporting:
In the box below, please provide the information requested from above so that we can understand what your complaint involves and can address it appropriately.
