Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Register of Deeds
What is e-Recording?

E-Recording is the process of submitting and recording land records in an electronic format. Benefits of e-Recording include:

  • Faster delivery, recording and return of documents
  • Reduced labor, materials, postage and courier costs
  • Fewer document errors and rejections
  • Increased security in sending documents and payments
  • Improved tracking and filing of documents

For an overview of the e-Recording process, watch this short video.

How Do I e-Record?

The Register of Deeds currently accepts documents from the following e-Recording vendors. A computer, scanner and Internet connection are the only requirements to begin eRecording today. Simply contact one of these vendors for information on how to get started:

Simplifile Logo

CSC Logo

Indecomm Indecomm

Further Information

The Uniform Real Property Recording Act was signed by the Governor of South Carolina in May 2008, authorizing recording offices to accept electronic documents. In April 2010, South Carolina's Electronic Recording Committee published official standards for transmitting and recording electronic documents. The Greenville County Register of Deeds was privileged to record the state's first electronically transmitted document on April 28, 2010.
