Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Engineering & Maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions
Fiber Optic Installation FAQs

Due to the increasing number of fiber optic utility providers bringing their services to Greenville County, we have been receiving an exponential increase in calls regarding their installation work in subdivisions across the County. As such, we have provided the FAQ below:

  • Why are new fiber optic lines being installed in my subdivision when we already have fiber optic service?
    New fiber optic providers are coming to Greenville County to provide new options to County residents. Due to the growth in our area, we currently have several hundred permits for fiber optic installation and anticipate much more. More options and competition generally lead to decreased prices and better service to the residents.

  • Why are construction workers digging in my yard without my permission?

    These workers are likely local contractors hired by the fiber optic providers to install their cable. They are actually working within County rights-of-way (ROW), which is used to house roads, utilities, stormwater drainage systems, along with other infrastructure. The ROW is owned by the County, and the County has the right to perform or permit whatever work is legal and necessary within the ROW. Even though property owners maintain the ROW for their personal use and enjoyment, it is still County property. Any work being performed within the ROW must be permitted through our office via an encroachment permit. Fiber optic lines are legally considered a public utility; therefore, they have legal authority to install their infrastructure within the ROW.

    If workers are in your back or side yards, it’s likely they are working within a utility easement. Unlike ROW, an easement does not transfer ownership of the property to anyone. Instead, property within the easement still belongs to the property owner(s), but the easement grants rights for utility providers to access and work within the easement solely for the purpose of maintaining or installing utility infrastructure. Any issues regarding utility easements are between the property owner and the utility provider or contractor. The County does not oversee or permit utility work within easements on private property.

  • Why wasn’t I notified that installation would be occurring in front of my home?
    Public utilities and the County are not required to notify residents of upcoming utility work within the ROW. However, residents are typically notified by the utility installers by way of door hangers.

  • Who should I contact if my property has been damaged or was not restored to its previous state after work was completed?
    Residents should contact the fiber optic installer using the contact information found on the door hanger regarding any damage done to their property. These providers are bringing a new service to the area and wish to gain new customers. They generally will do their best to restore everything to its prior state or better.
