Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Probate Court
Mental Health Authorization & Release
Authorization and Release of Information for Mental Health Records

All Mental Health files are confidential. In order to obtain copies of any of these records you will need to complete an Authorization to Request/Release Information forms. These forms must be completed by the person who was the subject of the court action or from his/her legal guardian. State and federal confidentiality laws govern these records so it is necessary to use a very specific authorization and release form to secure any documents from these files.

Provided on this website for your use is a Authorization to Release Information (POA) and a Authorization and Release Form for MH Records. Once these forms have been completed, you will submit them to the Probate Court's Involuntary Commitment Division. You will be charged for copies at the per page rate in effect at the time of the request. Individuals requesting copies of their own records will not be charged for copies.

If you have any questions regarding the release of these records, please feel free to call the Involuntary Commitment Division of the Greenville County Probate Court at 864.467.7085.
