Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Human Relations
Essential Services
Homebuyer Education

This agency coordinates a collaborative effort of local professionals to educate first-time homebuyers so they may qualify for down-payment assistance or a low interest loan through HUD approved funding. The participant must apply for the training and attend all sessions on the class agenda in order to graduate. As a HUD approved Housing Counseling agency, this program includes pre, ongoing, and post credit counseling to ensure the success of the individual's application for a mortgage loan and to reduce the possibility of a foreclosure.

Starting April 1, 2019 there will be a $65 charge for all class participants. This fee MUST be paid prior to class. Any questions call 864.467.7095. The class will be held at the Greenville United Way Building located at 105 Edinburgh Ct, Greenville, SC 29607. We will be meeting in the “John I. Smith” room. You must register for class online. Classes are held the 3rd Saturday of each month, 9:00am – 4:00pm.

Class Registration

Registering for a class with the Greenville County Human Relations Commission is quick and easy either online, OR by downloading then emailing the registration form.

If you have any questions, contact us at 864.467.7095. We hope to see you soon!

Housing Counseling

Counseling for special needs is also offered. Staff members have been trained and certified by HUD to counsel those considering HECM (reverse mortgages), those in danger of being foreclosed on (Loss Mitigation/Foreclosure Prevention), those considering high interest loans (High Cost Loans) and those that were taken advantage of through Predatory Lending.

Fair Housing

The staff of this agency is trained to accept, investigate, and refer for enforcement complaints where a person’s fair housing opportunities are found to have been discriminated against as prescribed by Federal and State Law. This also includes those that may have been defrauded or taken advantage of during a loan process, purchase, or re-finance.

To initiate a complaint on any housing issue, contact our office and a staff member will work with you to resolve the issue or refer you to the appropriate agency for enforcement.

This office also mediates, educates, and takes complaints on issues stemming from the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. This Act protects the rights of individuals who are disabled or have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities. These persons are not to be discriminated in the areas of employment, housing, and public accommodation. See our Links page for helpful websites. For a presentation on Housing Accommodations for Disabilities, click here.


A policy of "mediation first", where both parties accept the outcome without further action has proven to be successful in the Greenville area. This agency accepts complaints, mediates, and makes referrals where necessary when violations of employment law and landlord/tenant law are alleged.

Mediation is also the first step when discrimination is alleged in education, housing, public accommodations, and community disputes.

Police Relations

Law Enforcement and the Commission have a long history of working well together to mediate disputes and discrimination complaints. This agency also has been pro-active in the dissemination of a "Law and You" brochure, (Spanish Version - PDF/2.5 MB), provided by a partner on community relations between the Police and minority communities. This also includes those that may have been defrauded or taken advantage of during a loan process, a purchase, or a re-finance.
