Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Financial Operations
Hospitality Tax Calculator
Hospitality Tax Calculator


Gross Sales:
Months Late:
Total Estimate Due:

Results from this calculator are designed to help businesses estimate their tax due and penalties when reporting hospitality taxes. Greenville County does not guarantee the accuracy of any information available on this page, and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, misrepresentations, or misinterpretations. Hospitality tax payments are subject to audit by Greenville County.


Months Late Calculation: A penalty of five percent (5%) per month or portion thereof; applies to any remittance postmarked or paid AFTER the due date for the period reporting.

Example: A business’ hospitality tax due for the December 2020 tax period is $100.00. The due date to remit the tax due is January 20, 2021.

  • If the business mails a printed reporting form, the postmark date must be January 20, 2021 or a date prior to the 20th for the filing to be considered on time. If the postmark date is January 21, 2021 the full 5% penalty will be assessed on the filing. Another 5% penalty will be assessed on the 1st of each month thereafter until the tax is paid.
  • If the business remits the tax due online, the date paid must be January 20, 2021 or a date prior to the 20th for the filing to be considered on time. If the date paid is January 21, 2021 the full 5% penalty will be assessed on the filing. Another 5% penalty will be assessed on the 1st of each month thereafter until the tax is paid.
Date Paid Penalty = (Tax Due x .05) x # of months late Tax Due
January 20, 2021 $0 $100.00
January 21, 2021 $5 = (100 * .05) * 1 $105.00 = 100 + 5
February 1, 2021 $10 = (100 * .05) * 2 $110.00 = 100 + 10
