Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Business Personal Property FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions:
When do I file the annual return?

Filing is done each year within 4 months of the business’s account closing period for tax purposes. Ex. A December 31st account closing date would necessitate a filing deadline of April 30th.

Note: There are no legal provisions for filing Business Personal Property Return Extensions.

Where do I file the annual return?

All Greenville County businesses file directly with the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR).

How do I file an annual return?

Electronic filing: My DORWAY

How do I file an amended return?

If an Annual return has previously been filed for a tax year and the initial Annual return requires changes, re-file the return and check the Amended box. Filing an amended paper rendition requires a letter of explanation attached to the PT100.

To file an electronic amended PT100 return visit: dor.sc.gov

How do I depreciate my business assets (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment-FF&E)?

Please consult with your tax advisor regarding depreciation of the reported assets.

How do I apply for an exemption from Business Personal Property Tax as my business is registered with the SC Secretary of State and IRS as a ‘Not for Profit’ entity?

Please visit dor.sc.gov for specific instructions and application process.

Is a Business Registration required by Greenville County?

Per Greenville County Ordinance No. 4277 a business located within Greenville County but outside of an incorporated municipality (city) must complete annually a Business Registration.
