Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
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Answer Book
Business Registration Program

Business Registration Applications Due Before December 31, each year

  • There is NO FEE
  • One page application takes only minutes to complete. Click here to download application.
  • Proper completion and return are required by law
Questions & Answers
I got an application in the mail, what now?

If you received an application then, it has been determined that your business is required to register and you must do so by December 31 each year.

How does this ordinance define a "business"?

County Ordinance states that a "business" is classified as any business located within the unincorporated area of Greenville County that has a license, permits, and/or registrations from any other State of South Carolina department or agency in order to do business. (Examples include: SC Dept. of Labor, Licensing, and Registration, S.C. Dept. of Revenue, S.C. Dept. of Health and Environmental Control, etc.)

I have a business that meets that definition, but I did not get an application in the mail. Do I still need to register?

Yes, you can get an application by calling 864.467.7656 or by clicking here.

I have two or more business locations. Do I have to register them all?

Yes, if a business is conducted in more than one location, each such location must be registered.

I work out of my home, but I am an employee, not the owner. Do I need to register?

No, persons working for a registered business are not required to maintain a separate registration with the county.

I am a temporary business. Do I need to register?

If you meet the definition from above, yes.

I am going out of business. Do I need to register?

Yes, please note that the application does have a section that addresses "out of business".

I conduct business in unincorporated areas of Greenville County, but my business is located in a municipality. Do I need to register?


Can I read the entire ordinance?

Ordinance No. 4277 is available by clicking here.

What is the purpose of this ordinance?

It allows Greenville County to do inventory by location and aids Public Safety efforts.

What happens if I don’t submit my application?

Failure to submit an application is a violation of the ordinance and could result in a misdemeanor charge. Repeated violations of the ordinance could result in the County taking further legal action.

It is the desire of Greenville County to make this ANNUAL REGISTRATION a simple and efficient process for you. If you need assistance in completing the form or have any questions pertaining to the Ordinance, County staff is prepared to help. Please contact us at 864.467.7656.
