This board is composed of twelve members appointed by the Greenville County Council for three-year terms.
Meetings are held bi-monthly on the first Thursday at 11:30 am at 301 University Ridge, Greenville.
The purpose of the Commission is to promote the quality of opportunity for all citizens. GCHRC works with all population groups, including homeless, seniors and persons with special needs; Homeless Prevention – work to stabilize the precariously housed; Homeless – work with emergency housing providers to rapidly re-house.
Office Operations include:
Complaints and Investigations
Receive, research, resolve and when appropriate refer for enforcement complaints in the areas of:
- employment
- housing
- education
- public accommodations and services
- police/community relations
- predatory lending/consumer fraud
- disability/ handicapped access
Housing Counseling and Assistance
Provide nationally certified housing counselors to meet multiple housing and homeownership needs:
- Mortgage Default/Foreclosure Prevention
- Pre-purchase/Debt Resolution/Mortgage Readiness
- Rental Counseling/Evictions
- Relocation/Housing Placement/Homeless Prevention
- Reverse Mortgage
- Housing Search Database
- Foreclosure Prevention
- Pre-purchase Homebuyer Education Classes
- Financial Literacy/Credit Repair
- Fair Housing/Landlord-Tenant
- Consumer Fraud
- Training for Law Enforcement
- Mediation/Conflict Resolution
- Diversity/Cultural Awareness
Data Collection, Research and Publications