Due to inclement weather, County offices will open at 12:00 Noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. Please check back often on Wednesday morning for further updates.
Greenville County
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Watercraft FAQ's
How much can I expect to pay in watercraft property taxes?

For an estimated property tax total for your boat or boat motor, please see how to estimate vehicle property tax.

In which county do I register and pay my watercraft property taxes?

If owned by an individual, taxes must be paid in the county in which an owner resides (primary residence).

If owned by a corporation, taxes must be paid in the county in which the boat or boat motor is located.

Where do I pay my Greenville County watercraft tax bill?

All payments must be made to the office of the Greenville County Tax Collector. Tax payments can be made in person, mailed or paid online by clicking here.

What do I need to do if my address changes?

The SCDNR is the repository for boat and boat motor registration information including addresses. The Auditor’s Office relies on SCDNR to determine in which taxing district you are located and where to mail your tax bill. Visit the SCDNR website for information on how to change your address.

If you have received renewal notice and do not live in Greenville County, you should also contact the Auditor's Office by calling 864.467.7040.

I got a bill for my boat/motor, but I no longer live in Greenville County. What do I need to do?

You may still owe the taxes. Contact the Greenville County Auditor's Office for more information.

I’ve sold my boat, can I get a refund?

If you have time remaining on a registration, you may be eligible for a refund for any unused months. You can find more information on boat tax refunds here.

Why did I receive a separate tax statement for my boat motor?

Boats and motors are taxed separately in South Carolina.

Why does my boat bill and motor bill come in different months?

Due dates are based on the SCDNR ownership and registration information.
